visualizing data source code




PImage mapImage;
Table locationTable;
Table nameTable;
int rowCount;

Table dataTable;
float dataMin = -10;
float dataMax = 10;

Integrator[] interpolators;

void setup(){
  size(640, 400);
  mapImage = loadImage("map.png");
  locationTable = new Table("locations.tsv");
  rowCount = locationTable.getRowCount();
  // read the data table.
  dataTable = new Table("random.tsv");
  nameTable = new Table("names.tsv");
  // setup: loat initial values into the integrator.
  interpolators = new Integrator[rowCount];
  for(int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++){
    float initialValue = dataTable.getFloat(row, 1);
    interpolators[row] = new Integrator(initialValue, 0.9, 0.1);

// global variables set in drawdata() and read in draw()
float closestDist;
String closestText;
float closestTextX;
float closestTextY;

void draw(){
  image(mapImage, 0, 0);
  // draw: update the integrator with the current values,
  // which are either those from the setup() function
  // or those loaded by the target() functin issued in
  // updateTable().
  for(int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++){
  closestDist = MAX_FLOAT;
  fill(192, 0, 0);
  for(int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++){
    String abbrev = dataTable.getRowName(row);
    float x = locationTable.getFloat(abbrev, 1);
    float y = locationTable.getFloat(abbrev, 2);
    drawData(x, y, abbrev);
  if(closestDist != MAX_FLOAT){
    text(closestText, closestTextX, closestTextY);
  PFont font = loadFont("Universe-Bold-12.vlw");

void drawData(float x, float y, String abbrev){
  // figure out what row this is.
  int row = dataTable.getRowIndex(abbrev);
  // get the current value.
  float value = interpolators[row].value;
  float radius = 0;
  if(value >= 0){
    radius = map(value, 0, dataMax, 1.5, 15);
    fill(#4422CC); // blue
  } else {
    radius = map(value, 0, dataMin, 1.5, 15);
    fill(#FF4422); // red
  ellipse(x, y, radius, radius);
  float d = dist(x, y, mouseX, mouseY);
  if((d <radius + 2) && (d < closestDist)){
    closestDist = d;
    String name = nameTable.getString(abbrev, 1);
    // use target (not current) value for showing the data point.
    String val = nfp(interpolators[row].target, 0, 2);
    closestText = name + " " + val;
    closestTextX = x;
    closestTextY = y-radius-4;

void keyPressed(){
  if(key == ' '){

void updateTable(){
  for(int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++){
    float newValue = random(-10, 10);


class Integrator {

  final float DAMPING = 0.5f;
  final float ATTRACTION = 0.2f;

  float value;
  float vel;
  float accel;
  float force;
  float mass = 1;

  float damping = DAMPING;
  float attraction = ATTRACTION;
  boolean targeting;
  float target;

  Integrator() { }

  Integrator(float value) {
    this.value = value;

  Integrator(float value, float damping, float attraction) {
    this.value = value;
    this.damping = damping;
    this.attraction = attraction;

  void set(float v) {
    value = v;

  void update() {
    if (targeting) {
      force += attraction * (target - value);      

    accel = force / mass;
    vel = (vel + accel) * damping;
    value += vel;

    force = 0;

  void target(float t) {
    targeting = true;
    target = t;

  void noTarget() {
    targeting = false;


class Table {
  String[][] data;
  int rowCount;
  Table() {
    data = new String[10][10];

  Table(String filename) {
    String[] rows = loadStrings(filename);
    data = new String[rows.length][];
    for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
      if (trim(rows[i]).length() == 0) {
        continue; // skip empty rows
      if (rows[i].startsWith("#")) {
        continue;  // skip comment lines
      // split the row on the tabs
      String[] pieces = split(rows[i], TAB);
      // copy to the table array
      data[rowCount] = pieces;
      // this could be done in one fell swoop via:
      //data[rowCount++] = split(rows[i], TAB);
    // resize the 'data' array as necessary
    data = (String[][]) subset(data, 0, rowCount);

  int getRowCount() {
    return rowCount;
  // find a row by its name, returns -1 if no row found
  int getRowIndex(String name) {
    for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
      if (data[i][0].equals(name)) {
        return i;
    println("No row named '" + name + "' was found");
    return -1;
  String getRowName(int row) {
    return getString(row, 0);

  String getString(int rowIndex, int column) {
    return data[rowIndex][column];

  String getString(String rowName, int column) {
    return getString(getRowIndex(rowName), column);

  int getInt(String rowName, int column) {
    return parseInt(getString(rowName, column));

  int getInt(int rowIndex, int column) {
    return parseInt(getString(rowIndex, column));

  float getFloat(String rowName, int column) {
    return parseFloat(getString(rowName, column));

  float getFloat(int rowIndex, int column) {
    return parseFloat(getString(rowIndex, column));
  void setRowName(int row, String what) {
    data[row][0] = what;

  void setString(int rowIndex, int column, String what) {
    data[rowIndex][column] = what;

  void setString(String rowName, int column, String what) {
    int rowIndex = getRowIndex(rowName);
    data[rowIndex][column] = what;

  void setInt(int rowIndex, int column, int what) {
    data[rowIndex][column] = str(what);

  void setInt(String rowName, int column, int what) {
    int rowIndex = getRowIndex(rowName);
    data[rowIndex][column] = str(what);

  void setFloat(int rowIndex, int column, float what) {
    data[rowIndex][column] = str(what);

  void setFloat(String rowName, int column, float what) {
    int rowIndex = getRowIndex(rowName);
    data[rowIndex][column] = str(what);
  // Write this table as a TSV file
  void write(PrintWriter writer) {
    for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
        if (j != 0) {
        if (data[i][j] != null) {